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Development Web


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Web Development

pas de promo en ce moment
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The GBNet blog *in French

PHP programming, JavaScript, MySql databases, a little CSS and HTML, web development, tips and various and varied tips... Favorites and "less" favorites, welcome!

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contactor guy
Information, a request for a quote (free and without obligation), a question? Do not hesitate to contact me, I will respond as soon as possible!
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Some examples of achievements


hawai guy
Example of cgographic.com showcase site
Shared hosting - PSD templates - FrameWork CodeIgniter - JQuery - Responsive Design - Back-Office add/remove + XML output
Showcase site - PRO   Go there
Example of cgographic.com showcase site
SSH access | HTTP2 | Early Hints - Ubuntu/Apache server - SSL - PSD templates - Core PHP OO - Native JS - Multilanguage - Responsive Design - WEBP/Avif format images - Stripe integration - User account administration panel
Classified Ads - PRO    Go there
Example Industry site myoffsetpress.com
SSH access | HTTP2 | Early Hints - Ubuntu/Apache server - SSL - PSD templates - Core PHP OO - Native JS - Multilanguage - Internal user chat - Responsive Design - WEBP/Avif format images - User account administration panel
Industrial - PRO   Go there
Wordpress blog example
Shared hosting - Wordpress home and blog - Templates provided and modified
Example Module Bulk email
PHP Object - TLS1.2 protocol - 3 random servers - Adjustable packet volume - Adjustable or random packet interval - Error marking - CronJ control possible
Bulk Sending Module - PRO  
Paris print
Adobe© Photoshop / InDesign - Quadri - PDF output Pre-press 300dpi - Overprinting blacks 260% - Embedded fonts
Print - Institutional    Go there
GBNet services included

"Rigour, flexibility, efficiency"


methodic guy

Planned projects: Site construction, improvements, etc.

Step 1
Let's get to know each other! I need some preliminary information and to ask you a few questions to get to know you well

Here are some of them: Who are you and in what field of activity do you work (for professionals)?
To what extent have you already set your immediate and long-term objectives, and what budget do you have for your website?
Have you prepared a specification based on your current situation on the internet and what you want?

So many essential questions to get to know you better and meet your expectations as closely as possible.

It is from these questions that choices will arise, in particular the type of accommodation depending on the technical approach of your site: shared, with or without WP (if CMS), virtual or dedicated server. In all cases, check that you have control over your files.
Note that, although they often go together, hosting and the domain name are not necessarily linked at this stage: You can reserve the domain name of your dreams without yet having accommodation.

Step 2
Appearance, layout, sources The appearance of your site: what your users will see first.

The Front-End
Not only is it the first impression that you will give to your users/customers/prospects, but it is also the one which risks being the most time-consuming (and demoralizing) if it is not locked in advance:
It is a hundred times better to modify a visual internally to improve it in the direction initially intended than to let a service provider fumble around by tapping on a keyboard at random.
I therefore receive your files, drawings, templates, etc., any validated support which allows me to offer you something “concrete” on which I will ask you for your opinion.
We cannot quibble on this capital aspect: Until you are fully satisfied, with regard to the model or the validated template, they are (reasonably) unlimited.
On the other hand, in the case where a template needs to be modified, this must be planned before the quote.

Step 3
Global strategy, SEO, content and optimization Tell me what your site will distribute, to whom and how.

Once the main directions have been drawn up and before the first line of code, establishing an on-page* SEO strategy is essential.
Definition of keywords relevant to your sector based on your content, study of direct competitors, architecture of pages and links designed for SEO, optimization policy images and code.
All this takes some time but will prevent you from seeing your fabulous site stagnate on the 40th page of Google; moreover, when you need a specialist, he will start on a sound basis and you will avoid the costs due to a general rework of your pages.

* On-page SEO: optimization of the structure and content of the site aimed at improving natural referencing

Step 4
Manufacturing and modifications Throughout manufacturing you can follow the development and manage any modifications.

Site development
The question of coding itself is overall the easiest to tackle: if everything has been clearly defined (see above), all that remains is to apply what has been said. The code is optimized as much as possible in order to limit the effort server (and client) side.

except in special cases, development begins:
   - By configuring the location (server or hosting space)
   - Then the configuration of the site itself.
   - Back-end development monitoring
   - And finally the Front-end

Any modification in progress is possible, hence the interest of a single contact who will have the required flexibility to adapt quickly to the nnew selected developments.
I make available to you on my servers (or on yours if you wish) the site in the making of such way that you can follow the progress of the work and send me your comments as it evolves.

Practically, a standard procedure looks like this, once all the points are in place. upstream validated:
    - Locking the site space to prevent access to robots (and accidental visitors) during construction.
   - Redirection of your domain name to a waiting or "under construction" page.
   - Construction, tests, modifications etc...
   - Once ready, redirect the domain name to the site.
In this way, no parasitic indexing is possible, apart from that of the waiting page which already allows you to make it known while waiting for its launch.

Step 5
Tests and verifications. The code is finished, the site is built, it's time to deliver it to you.

After checks and tests, I deliver your site to your server (if you wish), set up and installed by me; The source code, commented in the delicate passages to facilitate understanding, are given to you in full.

(Note that it is highly desirable that you purchase the domain name yourself and manage the hosting).
In short, your site belongs entirely to you.

Step 6
And after? Whether you want to be autonomous or not, your site must continue to "live".

Content management
I offer training to make you independent if you want to update or add your articles, modify your content and images yourself; for a blog allow approximately one to two days, for an e-commerce site, two to three days.

Technical maintenance
Once your site is created and in production, the question of maintenance arises.
For what ? Quite simply because technology evolves, it is important that your site follows it and evolves as well.
This allows him to stay “on top” without unpleasant surprises. The more regular the maintenance, the less cumbersome the operations to be carried out. The files that I deliver are written under the latest versions (available in your environment); in addition, everything coded by me benefits from free maintenance for three months to ensure that no malfunction appears. I also offer optional maintenance for durations to be agreed.

Note that most SEO operations systematically include monitoring over several months.

The annoying question...
Prices and conditions Don't panic, let's talk..

On receipt of the specifications or at least a very refined idea of what you are looking for (for small jobs only), I will provide you with a free quote.
Depending on the size of the project, its duration and the means to be implemented, I ask for between 5% and 10% of the total amount upon signing the order form. (valid as a contract).
Payment of the balance generally occurs immediately after the activation accepted by you.
However, money should not be a reason to abandon your project as long as an arrangement, reasonable of course, can be reached. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts.


Is your site crashed or displaying a nasty error message?
The urgency is to preserve your online reputation on the one hand, and to get the system back up and running on the other.
First of all, if my skills do not allow me to resolve your problem, I will refer you to a colleague who I think is capable of doing so.
When the problem can be resolved quickly, there is no point in complicating the situation; nevertheless a 500 error that lasts is calamitous for your users and she puts unnecessary pressure on the intervention.
When possible, a simple temporary redirection from the server to a waiting (or working) page is sufficient; if it is the server itself which is crashed, a redirection of the domain name should be considered towards a dedicated page as a last resort as well as an SEO strategy with search engines. to limit breakage.
By definition, a crash is rarely anticipated, it is impossible to establish a quote, we can only hope to give an idea of price.

GBNet services included

A site project? An improvement to make, a bug to manage? You are in the right place !

Web Services

Website creation

Web developer I offer my services to individuals as well as businesses, in the form of creating "onepage" sites, sites showcases, blogs, e-commerce sites, landing pages, etc.
   - Front-End design or layout, mockups.
   - Use of templates (HTML or Bootstrap for example), psd files
   - Back-End PHP object, dedicated queries MySQL bases, MariaDB.
   - Native Javascript, Smarty (template engine) HTML5, CSS3.
   - SEO, multiLanguages, text/image editing if necessary

Depending on your needs I can offer you:
   - Use of a CMS base (Wordpress, Woocommerce).
   - Using an existing template.
   - A 100% “in-house” development.
Fundamental question which involves your project, it will perhaps be necessary to make a subtle balance/choice between your deadlines, your needs and your budget.

“Customized”, Template or CMS, which solution to choose? Click to see an example
Practical example

Need: Site of a 3D printing company which presents its activity and offers possibility to upload plans of parts to be produced with online payment

Case N°1 : Budget + | Deadlines +
Prefer a tailor-made solution: performance, design, code, optimization and SEO 100% planned For YOU, independent upgrades of third-party services, coherent overall implementation, maintenance reduced to follow the evolution of software, your only limit is that of technique: apart from the fact that it is more there more long and the most expensive solution, there are only advantages.

Case N°2 : Budget + | Deadlines -
You can choose a WP theme created for you or a template available on the walk. You will save time either on the Back-end or on the Front-end but you may be depends on updates to be carried out regularly and the limits of your support.

Case N°3 : Budget - | Deadlines +
If you can, try to divide your project into logical sections that you will carry out independently gradually, for example:
1/ Basic base (index pages, contact, others.
2/ File upload module.
3/ Online payment module.

Case N°4 : Budget - | Deadlines -
Alas this is the worst configuration but all is not lost. At the beginning, WP and WooCommerce are designed so that everyone can make it themselves his site. On the other hand, you will have to get your hands "dirty", reserve some time not negligible for your project and take the risk of stacking plug-ins.
Ideally, get help from a professional before starting, if only to validate/debug each step.

In any case: you have a doubt, a question or just need some information? Do not hesitate to contact me.

Advantages of each solution:

Custom :
  • 100% dedicated programming
  • Unique design
  • Simplified maintenance
  • SEO optimized
  • Performance++
Templating :
  • Front-end time saving
  • 100% dedicated Back-End
  • Personalization possible
  • More affordable cost
CMS * :
  • Speed of Back and Front-end production
  • Personalization possible
  • Low cost
* As part of an unmodified theme and template

Debugging, web development, occasional interventions

Debug character I also offer support for specific operations such as software updates, improvements of existing sites, the debugging in the event of a problem, site redesigns, etc.

The small table below represents the different areas that I cover:

Back-end   Lang.
Template eng.
Responsive mail templates
Ubuntu (Linux)
Castle of the Dukes of Brittany (Nantes)
Javascript language logo PHP language logo Logo MySql Bases CSS Logo HTML Logo Linux OS Logo Apache Logo Castle of the Dukes of Brittany (Nantes)
Tunis Portfolio Templates A partir de 299€ ttc

Website Creation - PHP/MySql - JS - Site redesign - Custom scripts - Wordpress

Welcome !

In a few words...

GBNet welcome character Located near Nantes, I devote myself to freelance internet development, specializing in PHP-MySQL , and I also offer my services on aspects Front-end such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript..

With over 20 years of experience in website design and web development in general, I have closely followed the evolution languages and methods in order to offer the most relevant answers to the question of online presence.

You will find here all of my areas of intervention, from emergency debugging to site design from A to Z as well as the way I usually do.

My goal is to offer solutions perfectly adapted to your objectives, from the simplest to the most complex of your projects accompanying you every step of the way. You are never alone.

Please feel free to contact for discuss scalable and quality internet development solutions that will meet your specific needs.
